Library Rules

    LIBRARY PROCEDURES To   be   able   to use the   library   materials and services,  certain rules and  policies must be followed by all library users. USING THE LIBRARY Intrance Procedure      A.   Students : School  ID  should  be  printed.   Students  must be  in  complete  prescribed  uniform  when entering the library.  Bags, umbrellas and bulky materials must  be  left  at  the depository counter outside corner of the library intended for  students.      B.   Library Cards : Any  Students  who  wish  to use the library may secure a "Library Borrowers  Card" fron the Librarian (the card costs Php 5.00 only) *  The Library card will serve as passport in using and borrowing     library materials. *  Students must present their LBC before entering the library       premises. *  A 1x1 picture must be pasted on the upper right corner of the      card. (Library card without picture will not be honored) *  A student who loses his/her library card gets suspension of     borrowing priveledges for one week.  Likewise, a fine of ten pesos     (Php 10.00) is charged for the issuance of duplicate card. *  Books on general information such as Encyclopedias, Periodicals,     Atlas and Yearbooks, are not allowed for home use.

*  The  library  reserves  the   right  to  suspends  or  cancel  library      priveleges of any borrower who consitently returns materials late     or  does  not  return a particular item at all.  Repeated refusal to      return  a  book  or  any  other  reading   materials  after  further      notifications is punishable by cancellation of library priviledges. *  Any library items lost, damaged must be replaced with identical or      more recent edition, or the borrower must pay the current price     of the item.  Library card will be retained by the librarian and      other ,membership priveledges suspended until the matter has been     settled.  Refusal or failure to settle accounts will not be allowed     to enter nor use the library. *  Students are obliged to return whatever materials used.     (Pushing back of chairs under the table after using.) *  The  library  is  not  responsible   for   any   losses  of  personal      belongings inside the library,            


       PURA  V. KALAW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SB e-Library caters kindergarten primary, intermediate    
       students as well as teachers and personnel.  However, the library has set some rules and regulations for 
       them to follow. Library Discipline for Students 

       *  The library is a place for research, study and      reading.  Therefore eating, and littering or any      
            boisterous behavior is strictly prohibited and      will be considered a serious infraction of rules &      
       *  Unnecessary conversation is not allowed to maintain SILENCE. 
     *  Students who abuse of the reading area by loud discussion, laughter     and the like be subject to      
        disciplinary action.  Disorderly and     disruptive behavior by any students will be called to attention by     the Librarian on the first offense.  If not move by the first      warning, he or she will be asked to leave the room. 
       *  Any discourtesy towards the librarian enforcing library rules and     regulations will be dully noted and   reported in writing to the school     principal. *  Library books should be handled properly.  Defacing, tearing,      mutilating and spoiling a book, periodicals, pamplet or other reading     materials will be reported to the school principal for disciplinary     action.              

       RULES IN BORROWING A.   General Reference Books -    Consist of Encylopedias, Yearbooks, Almanacs and                                                  Dictionaries are NOT ALLOWED to brought outside                                                   for home use.  Intended only for library use. B.   Fiction Books -   Can be borrowed for 1 (one) week. C.   Non-Fiction -   Can be borrowed for 2 days. D.   Perodicals -   For Library use only. E.   Multi-Media Resources -   Fore-Library use only. ICT / COMPUTER SECTION Policies and Procedures *   First come - first serve policy is followed.  Use of computer is limited to       30 minutes.  However, the student can extend provided there are no users       lined up. *   Users should log in/register at the librarian's desk and present their valid      ID or library card. *   Users must check the workstation before using it.  Any mark or damage       seen must be reported immediately to the librarian.  Otherwise, the       concerned user would be presumed responsible for such condition. *   User must not change, delete or copy any of the settings, programs and      icon permanently arranged inside the computer, only if it is under the       knowledge, supervision and approval of the librarian. *   User must work on their assigned computer and should refrain from standing      and changing computer workstation. *   Users must log off computer properly. *   Inserting of diskettes should be approved by the librarian. *   Damages to the library equipment and materials due to careless handling      will be replaced or repaired at the expense of the user concerned. *   The Library reserves the right to approve and cancel access requests.      The following are Prohibited 1.  Installing own computer software 2.  Using personal gadgets or attaching other computer peripherals 3.  Checking out CD-ROMS & Computer Units. 4.  Accessing vulgar and pornographic web sites.      Printing Charges / Prices Short Bondpaper (black & white) Php    6.00 Long Bondpaper (Black & white)    5.00 Colored Text (short / long)    8.00 Colored Graphics (short / long)  20.00 NO VIOLATION OF THE AFOREMENTIONED  REGULATIONS WILL BE EXCLUDED ON PLEA  OF IGNORANCE