Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vision and Mission

        PURA   V.   KALAW   ELEMENTARY   SCHOOL SB e-Library is  purposely  organized  and  managed  to  support  the  school  objectives and  make it available for the students of today especially to the Pura V. Kalaw Elementary School community and for the generation to come. The  Library  has  gained  its  present  status  of  standardized  learning with outstanding  academi c and  physical  achievement  under  the  dedicated Leadership of  Mr. Benito C. Beran our energetic  Principal and full commitment of Teachers, Non-Teaching Personnel and PTCA Officers.

       PHYSICAL STRUCTURE PURA  V.  KALAW  ELEMENTARY  SCHOOL  SB e-Library has a total area  equivalent to a 1 classroom which has a reading area of 30 seating capacity. The  entire  library c ollection of 3,000 volumes is complimented by academic posters,  maps  and  paperback collections.   It provides general references, basic and related materials in different subject areas. It also carries a generous number of books which although not directly related to the curricula but stimulate intellectual growth and broaden horizons of the readers. The  Library  is  equipped with  complete  facilities , computer equipments and  other informative resources.
 VISION :    

The library  will  be  transformed  into  an  ICT and systematic learning  center  where  pupils  will be developed and trained to  become dynamic,   and computer literate,  progressive  and responsive  to the demand of technological and advance society, united in their common aspirations of achieving richer and fuller lives in the service of GOD and COUNTRY. 


PVKES  SB e-Library  aims to help and develop a well-informed reading  society. 

 SERVICES Library Open :  

 8:00 - 12:00 P.M. 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. 
 Schedules : Levels Days
                      Grade 1,2,3 Monday 
                      Grade 4 Tuesday 
                      Grade 6 Wednesday
                      Grade 5 Thursday 
                      Teachers/Personnel Friday

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